Stride Support

How to request Stride Support - Report Bugs, issues, or ask questions

Stride uses a ticket based support system.  There are two ways to submit a ticket to request support.

1. Send an email to

2. Fill out the support form found at ​Stride Support.  You can also access this link from your own system by following the steps below.

How to access Stride Support from your system

1. In any Stride Module

2. Click your account.

Screenshot of: Click your account.

3. Click "Support"

Screenshot of: Click "Support"

4. Add your contact information and a description of your issue or your question. Include as much information as possible. If you have a screenshot you can add it by clicking the "Choose File" and uploading your screenshot.

Screenshot of: Add your contact information and a description of your issue or your question.  Include as much information as possible.  If you have a screenshot you can add it by clicking the "Choose File" and uploading your screenshot.

From the POS you can access support form by clicking the "Support" icon.

Access support from the POS.

1. From the POS you can access support by clicking the "Support" icon.

This will open the support page in a separate internet tab.

Screenshot of: From the POS you can access support by clicking the "Support" icon. \
This will open the support page in a separate internet tab.

2. Fill out the form to the best of your ability.

Screenshot of: Fill out the form to the best of your ability.