Shipping Method - Based On Rules

Shipping Method - Based on Rules

Create Shipping Method Based on Rules

1. Navigate to the app menu in your Stride system.

2. Go to the inventory module.

Screenshot of: Go to the inventory module.

3. Click "Configuration"

Screenshot of: Click "Configuration"

4. Click "Shipping Methods"

Screenshot of: Click "Shipping Methods"

5. Click "NEW"

Screenshot of: Click "NEW"

6. Click the "Shipping Method" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Shipping Method" field.

7. Give the shipping method a name.

8. Click this dropdown and select "Based on Rules"

Screenshot of: Click this dropdown and select "Based on Rules"

9. Click the "Delivery Product" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Delivery Product" field.

10. Select the Shipping Product that you want to use. (Or Create a new one)

11. (OPTIONAL) Click the "Free if order amount is above?" field.

Screenshot of: (OPTIONAL) Click the "Free if order amount is above?" field.

12. (OPTIONAL) Click the "Amount?" field and enter the order amount required for free shipping.

Screenshot of: (OPTIONAL) Click the "Amount?" field and enter the order amount required for free shipping.

13. Click "Add a line"

Screenshot of: Click "Add a line"

14. Click the condition drop down and select how you will make your rules. If you choose "weight" or "volume" as your condition you will need to make sure that your products have a weight or volume associated with them.

Screenshot of: Click the condition drop down and select how you will make your rules.  If you choose "weight" or "volume" as your condition you will need to make sure that your products have a weight or volume associated with them.

15. In this example we are creating a rule based on the price being <= $50.

Screenshot of: In this example we are creating a rule based on the price being <= $50.

16. Click the "Delivery Cost" field and enter the cost. You can also do a formula based on other factors as well. In this example we chose just to set a flat price of $10.00

Screenshot of: Click the "Delivery Cost" field and enter the cost.  You can also do a formula based on other factors as well.  In this example we chose just to set a flat price of $10.00

17. Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

Screenshot of: Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

18. You can add as many lines as you'd like. The following slides add another condition if the price is <$100.00 Click "Add a line"

Screenshot of: You can add as many lines as you'd like. The following slides add another condition if the price is <$100.00 Click "Add a line"

19. Click this dropdown.

Screenshot of: Click this dropdown.

20. Double-click this text field.

Screenshot of: Double-click this text field.

21. Type "100"

22. Double-click the "Delivery Cost" field.

Screenshot of: Double-click the "Delivery Cost" field.

23. Type "20"

24. Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

Screenshot of: Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

25. Click "Publish" to make this shipping method available to customers.

Screenshot of: Click "Publish" to make this shipping method available to customers.