Settle a Sales Order in the POS

Settle a Sales Order through the Point of Sale.

1. In Stride you can settle Sales Orders in the POS. You can also take down payments on a sales order. This tutorial will show you how to do this and the process flow for recording this.

When a sales order is settled in the POS, additional products can be added to the cart at the time of the sale.

2. To settle a sales order created in the Sales module in the POS, click the Sales Order button in the POS interface.

3. Select the sales order you wish to settle.

4. In Stride you can settle the order or take a down payment. First we will settle the order.

5. Upon selecting your choice the sales order will be brought into the cart like a normal transaction. (If not al the products in the sales order are available in the POS the system will ask you if you want to import them into the POS. Click "Yes" if you want to proceed.)

6. Click "Pay"

7. Select your payment method.

8. Click "Pay" and settle the order.

9. Please note!

In Stride, if an order is in the Quotation stage (has not been confirmed by the salesperson or the customer) and there is a service product on the sales order the system will not import the quantity of the service item.

10. example of service item

11. Click "Settle the order"

12. Click "[2045] 28mm Rotary Cutter
$ 21.00
1.00 Units at $ 21.00 / Units
[KT-22091] 4th of July Jam Quilt Patterns
$ 10.45
1.00 Units at $ 10.45 /..."

13. You can manually adjust this in the POS, or you could confirm the order before settling it in the POS interface.

To manually adjust click the product and set the quantity.

14. Click "Pay" and settle the order.

15. Now we will look at the sales orders we just settled in the POS in the Sales Module.

16. First we will go to the "Sales Module" and look at the order we finished first.

Notice: The order total when we completed this in the POS was $94.40 but the SO total was $89.90. That is because when the SO was created tax was not calculated. (In this case the customer address was in another state so taxes were not automatically added to the SO.) However, when settling the SO in the POS it added tax.

Also, this order has been "fully invoiced" and has been paid for.

17. This order now has a tab that says "Transferred to POS" meaning it was settled in the POS. It still has a delivery order attached, but if you click "Delivery" you will see the Delivery order has been cancelled.

18. Because this SO was settled in the POS it marked it as delivered.

19. The second order was one that had a service product. "Tom Shannon" and it still needs to be invoiced because the POS cannot deliver service products. We will need to manually adjust the service product delivery. Click the SO.

20. Click "0.00"

21. Type "1500"

22. Click here.

23. Click "Quotations"

24. Now it has been fully invoiced.

25. Down Payment Example:

26. Click here.

27. Click "Apply a down payment"

28. The system prompts you to apply a down payment by percentage. Type in the percentage of the total you want to apply to a down payment.

29. Click "Ok"

30. The system brings in a modified SO to show the down payment.

Click "Pay" and finish the transaction.

31. Notice a new line was added to the SO with a down payment product. The other products are still highlighted blue as they have not been delivered yet.

32. To finish settling the order in the POS go back to the POS and click Sales Order

33. Select the order.
Notice that the remaining balance is now showing on the order.

34. Click "Settle the order" and finish settling the order.

35. The original SO will now show two down payment lines. This shows that the down payment was applied and then removed and the balance was applied to the SO.

36. The Delivery Order has also been cancelled due to the SO being settled through the POS.