Schedule send date and time for email marketing

How to schedule a send date and time for an Email Marketing email

1. Navigate to the "Email Marketing" Module

2. Select or Create a new mailing

Screenshot of: Select or Create a new mailing

3. Click "SCHEDULE"

Screenshot of: Click "SCHEDULE"

4. Click the "Send on" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Send on" field.

5. Select the day and Month.

Screenshot of: Select the day and Month.

6. To select a specific time click the "Clock" icon.

Screenshot of: To select a specific time click the "Clock" icon.

7. You can use the arrows to toggle the time up and down (24 hour clock used) or you can click the hour and select the time.

Screenshot of: You can use the arrows to toggle the time up and down (24 hour clock used) or you can click the hour and select the time.

8. Click "15"

Screenshot of: Click "15"

9. Click "SCHEDULE"

Screenshot of: Click "SCHEDULE"

10. A blue banner appears stating that the email is scheduled to be mailed on the specified date and time.

Screenshot of: A blue banner appears stating that the email is scheduled to be mailed on the specified date and time.

11. To change the scheduled date click "CANCEL" and then click the "Schedule" button again to go through the process.

Screenshot of: To change the scheduled date click "CANCEL" and then click the "Schedule" button again to go through the process.