Repairs - Configure tags and use to filter or group by

Repairs - Configure tags and use to filter or group by

How to add Tags in Repairs Module and use them to Group by or Filter.

Made by Nate Elwood with Scribe

1. Navigate to the repairs module

2. Click "Configuration"

Screenshot of: Click "Configuration"

3. Click "Repair Orders Tags"

Screenshot of: Click "Repair Orders Tags"

4. Click "NEW"

Screenshot of: Click "NEW"

5. Add as many tags as you would like and click "Save"

Screenshot of: Add as many tags as you would like and click "Save"

6. Click "Repairs"

Screenshot of: Click "Repairs"

7. Choose repair orders you want to tag

Screenshot of: Choose repair orders you want to tag

8. Click the "Tags" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Tags" field.

9. Choose appropriate tag/tags

Screenshot of: Choose appropriate tag/tags

10. Click "Save"

Screenshot of: Click "Save"

11. Add tags to as many repair orders as you would like.

Screenshot of: Add tags to as many repair orders as you would like.

12. You can group by tags by clicking "Group by"

Screenshot of: You can group by tags by clicking "Group by"

13. Select "Add Custom Group" and then navigate to "Tags"

Screenshot of: Select "Add Custom Group" and then navigate to "Tags"

14. Click "APPLY"

Screenshot of: Click "APPLY"

15. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

16. Click this button to change to the Kanban view

Screenshot of: Click this button to change to the Kanban view

17. Click "Remove"

Screenshot of: Click "Remove"

18. You can also filter using tags.

Screenshot of: You can also filter using tags.

19. Click "Add Custom Filter" > Tags

Screenshot of: Click "Add Custom Filter" > Tags

20. Choose your filtering parameters

Screenshot of: Choose your filtering parameters

21. Click "APPLY"

Screenshot of: Click "APPLY"

22. Click the "x" on the filter to remove the filter.

Screenshot of: Click the "x" on the filter to remove the filter.