Open Cash Drawer from POS Screen

Open Cash Drawer from POS Screen (Using non-ePOS printer)

1. In Stride you can use the "Print Ticket" function to open the cash drawer without a key.

In order to do this you will need two configurations.

1.) Your cash drawer needs to be connected to your printer so that when a receipt is printed the cash drawer opens.
2.) You will want the "Print Ticket" configuration turned on.

2. In the POS Module Click "Configuration"

3. Click "Settings"

4. Turn on the "Print Order Ticket". (Technically not required, but if not enabled in order to open the cashbox you will have to run a transaction for $0.00)

5. In order to print a ticket an item must be in the cart. Select any item.

6. Click "Print Ticket". This will cause the receipt printer to print a ticket and send the command to the cash drawer to open.