Event Registration - From next order coupon (promo - next purchase)

Event Registration - From next order coupon (promo - next purchase)

Create a next order coupon for event registration

Made by Nate Elwood with Scribe

1. In this tutorial we are showing how to create a "Next Order Coupon" that can be used for event registrations. The first 3 slides show the event and registration product we will be using in this example. To set up the next order coupon navigate to slide 5

2. Click this image.

Screenshot of: Click this image.

3. Click "My Company (San Francisco)"

Screenshot of: Click "My Company (San Francisco)"

4. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

5. Click this image.

Screenshot of: Click this image.

6. Click "Products"

Screenshot of: Click "Products"

7. Click "Discount & Loyalty"

Screenshot of: Click "Discount & Loyalty"

8. Click "NEW"

Screenshot of: Click "NEW"

9. Type the name of your program.

10. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

11. Click this dropdown and select "Next Order Coupon"

Screenshot of: Click this dropdown and select "Next Order Coupon"

12. Click here to enter the rules for the program.

Screenshot of: Click here to enter the rules for the program.

13. Double-click the "Minimum Purchase" field add minimum purchase if desired.

Screenshot of: Double-click the "Minimum Purchase" field add minimum purchase if desired.

14. Double-click the "Minimum Quantity" field add minimum purchase quantity if desired.

Screenshot of: Double-click the "Minimum Quantity" field add minimum purchase quantity if desired.

15. Click the "Products" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Products" field.

16. Search for your "Trigger Product". In our case it's the "Letter Tray"

17. Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

Screenshot of: Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

18. Click here to enter the rewards.

Screenshot of: Click here to enter the rewards.

19. Click the "Discount" and add the desired discount amount. You can change the % to fixed dollar if you would want to.

Screenshot of: Click the "Discount" and add the desired discount amount.  You can change the % to fixed dollar if you would want to.

20. Enter desired amount of discount or reward.

21. Click the "Specific Products" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Specific Products" field.

22. Click the "Discounted Products" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Discounted Products" field.

23. Enter the unique registration product for your event. In our case it was "Organization class registration product"

24. Click "Organization Class Registration Product"

Screenshot of: Click "Organization Class Registration Product"

25. Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

Screenshot of: Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

26. Click here to save. You have now finished creating the next order coupon program.

Screenshot of: Click here to save.  You have now finished creating the next order coupon program.

27. The remaining slides are for reference on how this will look to your customers.

Screenshot of: The remaining slides are for reference on how this will look to your customers.

28. Click website.

Screenshot of: Click website.

29. Click "Shop"

Screenshot of: Click "Shop"

30. Click the "Search..." field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Search..." field.

31. Type "lett"

32. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

33. Click "ADD TO CART"

Screenshot of: Click "ADD TO CART"

34. Click "My Cart"

Screenshot of: Click "My Cart"

35. Click "Process Checkout"

Screenshot of: Click "Process Checkout"

36. Click "Confirm"

Screenshot of: Click "Confirm"

37. Click "•••• Credit Card XX 1111"

Screenshot of: Click "•••• Credit Card XX 1111"

38. Click "Pay Now"

Screenshot of: Click "Pay Now"

39. The next order coupon on the website is sent as an email. So the customer will not see it at checkout. The next slides show you what email the customer will receive.

Screenshot of: The next order coupon on the website is sent as an email.  So the customer will not see it at checkout.  The next slides show you what email the customer will receive.

40. Click this image.

Screenshot of: Click this image.

41. Click "Products"

Screenshot of: Click "Products"

42. Click "Discount & Loyalty"

Screenshot of: Click "Discount & Loyalty"

43. Click "Buy Letter Tray get Class free"

Screenshot of: Click "Buy Letter Tray get Class free"

44. Click "Coupons"

Screenshot of: Click "Coupons"

45. Click "1.00 Coupon point(s)"

Screenshot of: Click "1.00 Coupon point(s)"

46. This shows that the customer received an email with a "gift card". We can change the email that goes to the customer by going back to the program and editing the communications tab.

Screenshot of: This shows that the customer received an email with a "gift card".  We can change the email that goes to the customer by going back to the program and editing the communications tab.

47. Click "Communications"

Screenshot of: Click "Communications"

48. Click "Gift Card: Gift Card Information"

Screenshot of: Click "Gift Card: Gift Card Information"

49. Click this text field.

Screenshot of: Click this text field.

50. Click "Coupon: Coupon Information"

Screenshot of: Click "Coupon: Coupon Information"

51. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

52. Click "Coupon: Coupon Information"

Screenshot of: Click "Coupon: Coupon Information"

53. Click this button.

Screenshot of: Click this button.

54. Click "Buy Letter Tray get Class free"

Screenshot of: Click "Buy Letter Tray get Class free"

55. Click "Discount & Loyalty"

Screenshot of: Click "Discount & Loyalty"

56. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

57. Point of Sale example.

Screenshot of: Point of Sale example.


Screenshot of: Click "CONTINUE SELLING"

59. Click "Select Cashier"

Screenshot of: Click "Select Cashier"

60. Click "Home"

Screenshot of: Click "Home"

61. Click the "Search Products..." field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Search Products..." field.

62. Type "lett"

63. Click this image.

Screenshot of: Click this image.

64. Again, no reward shows up until after checkout.

Screenshot of: Again, no reward shows up until after checkout.

65. Click "Cash"

Screenshot of: Click "Cash"

66. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

67. Next order coupon prints on the receipt. It can be used online or in-store.

Screenshot of: Next order coupon prints on the receipt.  It can be used online or in-store.