Customer Portal(Account) Access

How to grant portal access to existing customers

1. Go to the "Contacts" Module

Screenshot of: Click "CLOSE" to complete.

Screenshot of: Go to the "Contacts" Module

2. Select the contact you want to give access.

Screenshot of: Select the contact you want to give access.

3. Click "Action"

Screenshot of: Click "Action"

4. Click "Grant portal access"

*Alternatively you can go to the list view in your contacts module, select multiple contacts and click Action>"Grant Portal Access" to give portal access to multiple contacts at once.

Screenshot of: Click "Grant portal access"\
\*Alternatively you can go to the list view in your contacts module, select multiple contacts and click Action>"Grant Portal Access" to give portal access to multiple contacts at once.


Screenshot of: Click "GRANT ACCESS"

6. You can also revoke access and re-invite if needed.

Screenshot of: You can also revoke access and re-invite if needed.

7. Click "CLOSE" to complete.

8. An email will be sent to each contact that was granted portal access allowing them to log in and activate their account.