CRM - Schedule Activities

CRM - Schedule Activities

How to Schedule Sales Activities in Stride Retail CRM

1. Navigate to the CRM module in your instance.

2. Click any opportunity

Screenshot of: Click any opportunity

3. In the "Chatter" is where you will see details about any schedule activities for this opportunity. In this example, we had a meeting schedule for today. If I click done I will be able to add information about this activity.

Screenshot of: In the "Chatter" is where you will see details about any schedule activities for this opportunity.  In this example, we had a meeting schedule for today.  If I click done I will be able to add information about this activity.

4. Add notes and Click "DONE" or "Done & Schedule Next"

Screenshot of: Add notes and Click "DONE" or "Done & Schedule Next"

5. To create a new activity click "Activities"

Screenshot of: To create a new activity click "Activities"

6. Click the "Activity Type" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Activity Type" field.

7. Click "Search More..." if you want to see other activity types. (You can add/edit activities in the "Configuration" menu in the CRM module.)

Screenshot of: Click "Search More..." if you want to see other activity types. (You can add/edit activities in the "Configuration" menu in the CRM module.)

8. Choose the activity you want to schedule

Screenshot of: Choose the activity you want to schedule

9. Fill out the information required.

Screenshot of: Fill out the information required.

10. Set a due date

Screenshot of: Set a due date

11. Click here to add any notes.

Screenshot of: Click here to add any notes.

12. You can add images, documents, etc. to this note section by typing "/" and selecting your option.

Screenshot of: You can add images, documents, etc. to this note section by typing "/" and selecting your option.

13. Click "SCHEDULE" to schedule the activity.

Screenshot of: Click "SCHEDULE" to schedule the activity.

14. Click "Pipeline" to go back to pipeline view.

Screenshot of: Click "Pipeline" to go back to pipeline view.

15. Now you can see that the "Quote" icon appeared on the bottom of the opportunity card in green. It has been scheduled and is not overdue. (Overdue activities are red and on-time/future activities are green.)

Screenshot of: Now you can see that the "Quote" icon appeared on the bottom of the opportunity card in green.  It has been scheduled and is not overdue.  (Overdue activities are red and on-time/future activities are green.)