Create Self-Signed Certificate for Epson ePOS printer

Create Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Epson Printer.

If you are using iPads and the Epson ePOS printer you may need to create a self-signed certificate so your browser recognizes the network printer.  Please follow the instructions below to create a self-signed certificate for your ePOS printer.

1. Navigate to the IP address of your Epson printer in your browser. (If you do not know it, you can power cycle your device and it will print it's IP address on a receipt.)

The browser will say that it is not safe. Click "Advanced" > Proceed Anyways.

This will bring up a small username and password field. Enter "epson" as the username and the serial number of your printer as the password.

This should bring you to the settings for the Epson Printer.

2. Click "SSL/TLS"

3. Click "Create"

4. Click "Create" again.

Please note, it is best to set the security certificate for 1 year, as some browsers may not accept it if the period is longer than 1 year. You will need to set a reminder on your calendar to re-certify your printer every year.

5. On the next page you can click "Refresh" for your new settings to take place. Or, you can power cycle your device and the new certificate should be applied.