Change Number of Records Shown Per Page
Change Number of Records Showing per Page
1. In Stride some views default to 40 records or 80 records showing per page. Users can change this number so that they can see all records or fewer records per page. You can navigate the pages by clicking the forward and backward arrow buttons.
NOTE*: If you have a large number of records (over 1000) and you change the default page view to match that it may take the system a minute to load all the records. (The system may also time out because it takes to long to load all the records. Stride limits to the default records shown to increase speed.)
2. Notice the first page is showing records 1-80 of a total of 182. To change that follow the steps below.
3. Click on the records per page. (In this case 1-80)
4. Enter the number of records you want to see. In this example we wanted to see all the records on this page so we typed 182.
5. Now all 182 of 182 records are showing on this page. I can scroll through all the records. This can be done anywhere you see 1-x / x records. (Purchase orders, Sales Orders, Invoices, Inventory etc.)