Buy product get free event registration (PROMO - at time of Checkout)

Buy product get free event registration (PROMO - at time of Checkout)

Buy Specific Product get free Event Registration - at time of checkout (PROMO)

1. In this tutorial we use the "Organization Class" as an example. In order to create a PROMO for buying a specific product and getting a free class registration for a specific class you will need to have a class created with a unique registration product. For questions on this see the other tutorials for "Create an Event" and "Create a unique registration product"

2. Click "Organization Class"

Screenshot of: Click "Organization Class"

3. This slide and the next 3 are for reference only. It shows that this class has a unique registration product.

Screenshot of: This slide and the next 3 are for reference only.  It shows that this class has a unique registration product.

4. Click this text field.

Screenshot of: Click this text field.

5. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

6. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

7. Navigate to the Sales module

Screenshot of: Navigate to the Sales module

8. Click "Products"

Screenshot of: Click "Products"

9. Click "Discount & Loyalty"

Screenshot of: Click "Discount & Loyalty"

10. Click "NEW"

Screenshot of: Click "NEW"

11. Click the "Program Name" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Program Name" field.

12. Give the program a name and fill out any additional fields you need to.

13. Click to start setting the promo rules.

Screenshot of: Click to start setting the promo rules.

14. Set the minimum purchase quantity and/or dollar value.

Screenshot of: Set the minimum purchase quantity and/or dollar value.

15. Click the "Products" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Products" field.

16. Search for your "trigger product." In our case we are using the "Letter Tray" as our trigger product. If someone buys the letter tray we want them to have the opportunity to sign up for the "Organization Class" for free.

17. Click "[FURN_0004] Letter Tray"

Screenshot of: Click "[FURN_0004] Letter Tray"

18. Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

Screenshot of: Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

19. Click here to set your reward. In our case it is free or 100% discounted registration fee for the "Organization Class"

Screenshot of: Click here to set your reward.  In our case it is free or 100% discounted registration fee for the "Organization Class"

20. Click this dropdown.

Screenshot of: Click this dropdown.

21. Double-click the "Discount" field.

Screenshot of: Double-click the "Discount" field.

22. Add your discount amount. In our case it's 100% but you could do $ amounts as well.

23. Click the "Specific Products" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Specific Products" field.

24. Click the "Discounted Products" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Discounted Products" field.

25. Here is where we need to select our unique registration product for the class we want to discount. In this case it is the "Organization Class Registration Product" because that is the registration product tied to the "Organization Class"

26. Click "Organization Class Registration Product"

Screenshot of: Click "Organization Class Registration Product"

27. Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

Screenshot of: Click "SAVE & CLOSE"

28. Click here to save. You are now completed. (Make sure that your class is published to the web so it can be sold. Otherwise the promo will not be applied.) The rest of the slides are for reference only to show you how the promo is applied. It is applied at checkout. Once the person has both the trigger product (in our case the letter tray) AND have registered for the class either in store or online, they will be able to apply the promo to their cart and it will remove the registration fee.

Screenshot of: Click here to save.  You are now completed.  (Make sure that your class is published to the web so it can be sold.  Otherwise the promo will not be applied.)

The rest of the slides are for reference only to show you how the promo is applied.  

It is applied at checkout.  Once the person has both the trigger product (in our case the letter tray) AND have registered for the class either in store or online, they will be able to apply the promo to their cart and it will remove the registration fee.

29. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

30. Click this image.

Screenshot of: Click this image.

31. Click "Shop"

Screenshot of: Click "Shop"

32. Click the "Search..." field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Search..." field.

33. Type "let"

34. Click "ter Tray"

Screenshot of: Click "ter Tray"

35. Click "ADD TO CART"

Screenshot of: Click "ADD TO CART"

36. Click "My Cart"

Screenshot of: Click "My Cart"

37. Click "Claim" - It won't add to cart because I have not registered for the class yet.

Screenshot of: Click "Claim" - It won't add to cart because I have not registered for the class yet.

38. Click "Events"

Screenshot of: Click "Events"

39. Click here and register for the class.

Screenshot of: Click here and register for the class.

40. Click "Register"

Screenshot of: Click "Register"

41. Click "Continue"

Screenshot of: Click "Continue"

42. Click "Return to Cart"

Screenshot of: Click "Return to Cart"

43. I could have "claimed" the reward at this time or gone back to cart but it will now show up in my cart. Click "Proceed to Checkout"

Screenshot of: I could have "claimed" the reward at this time or gone back to cart but it will now show up in my cart. Click "Proceed to Checkout"

44. Click "Confirm"

Screenshot of: Click "Confirm"

45. Click the "•••• Credit Card XX 1111" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "•••• Credit Card XX 1111" field.

46. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

47. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

48. Click this image to see how the point of sale works.

Screenshot of: Click this image to see how the point of sale works.

49. Enter a session.

Screenshot of: Enter a session.

50. Click "Select Cashier"

Screenshot of: Click "Select Cashier"

51. Click "Mitchell Admin"

Screenshot of: Click "Mitchell Admin"

52. Click the "Search Products..." field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Search Products..." field.

53. Type "letter"

54. Click this image.

Screenshot of: Click this image.

55. The reward won't add to the cart because the event registration is not in the cart.

Screenshot of: The reward won't add to the cart because the event registration is not in the cart.

56. Click "Add Event"

Screenshot of: Click "Add Event"

57. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

58. Click here.

Screenshot of: Click here.

59. Click "Register"

Screenshot of: Click "Register"

60. Click this text field.

Screenshot of: Click this text field.

61. Type "John Doe [[tab]] [[tab]] 1234567890"

62. Click "Continue"

Screenshot of: Click "Continue"

63. Once the person is registered the promo is automatically added to the cart. You can now accept payment and finish the order. The person is now registered for the class.

Screenshot of: Once the person is registered the promo is automatically added to the cart.  You can now accept payment and finish the order.  The person is now registered for the class.